Paul O'mahony
I’ve led a number of different projects with organisations dedicated to providing access to, and enjoyment of, Classics. This has meant creating enjoyable and productive working partnerships with Oxford University’s Classics Outreach, The Iris Project, Classics for All and The Hellenic Centre. my classical background includes winning two cawkwell prizes for classics and an ancient history scholarship at oxford university
I have developed several shows inspired by ancient culture: UNMYTHABLE has toured the world, trying to cram all the Greek myths in to one hour. The House of Atreus was an adaptation and translation I made of three Greek tragedies - it played at The Barbican in London in 2011. Delphi is an exciting, full-length musical I’ve written with my good friend Rob Castell. You can check out some of the songs here:
I’ve also developed talks about Homer’s Iliad (Raging about Achilles) and Odyssey (Crossing the wine-dark sea) which are a combination of narrative poetry readings, personal responses and poems from preceding generations’ responses to early epic. These talks have been performed at a variety of venues in the UK and US.
I’ve led hundreds of Classics workshops with students from primary age to university. These have spanned a basic introduction to the subject to in-depth exploration of text. In 2015 I became the head of Outreach and Education at the wonderful Kallos Gallery in Mayfair. I work 4 days a month providing opportunities for people of all ages to experience Ancient Greek art close-up.
I’m currently collaborating with the Playground theatre on a new theatre production inspired by the Aeneid. This has been supported by harvard's center for Hellenic studies, based in Washington, d.c.